Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Assignment: Class One

DL02So, we overcame heat, the west parking death march, lack of Internet on my laptop and a classroom that is way too large for six students to have a successful first class.  I am exited about the rest of the semester and what we will be able to teach each other. I purposefully wanted to keep the workload light for the first class.
Your assignment for the first week is to order or download the books, sign up for as many tools as you can.  As a minimum, I would like for you to be able to create your blog and share the address with me.  I have created a page on this blog with links and videos to help those who feel comfortable enough to get started ( PLN Tools).  We will spend the entire time of our next session on ensuring you feel comfortable with the tools.
I also asked that you find at least three web-based articles on how to create a PLN. You can either go a Google search or search within Diigo. . . I would like you to list and discuss these articles in a blog post, titled "How to Create a PLN: What I Learned."  We will share your results with the class. . .
Please leave a comment on this blog post to let me know that you have read and understand the expectations before next class.  I would also like for you to leave the address of your blog.  Email me with any questions.

p.s.  I changed the way the syllabus is displayed on the blog.  I'll show you how I did it in class.


  1. Got it!

    Here's my new blog address. It's definitelya work in progress...



    Christina Andrade

  2. Hello!!!

    I have created a blog for this class!


    If you click on my profile, a few other blogs that I have created personally and for previous classes should show up. One was for a technology class that I took at National University and the personal blog hasn't been updated since May, but I have promised myself to catch up! (it's supposed to be about good eats, good travels, and good times that I've had!) Enjoy!

    Annie Reyes

  3. Hi! This is Sherilyn Crawford and I have created my blog page (not as painful as I thought it would be!) Here is my address:


    I am also interested to find out how I can incorporate a Google webpage I created for my EdTec class I took for my teaching credential, so hopefully next class I'll be able to add that on (although it needs some serious updating!)


  4. Morning. I posted a comment last week but i guess it didn't stick.
    My blog is:

    See you monday.

  5. Here we go. It's up and running.



  6. Hi

    Sorry it took so long for me to post but here is the link to my blog:


    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.

