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Lily The Ballerina Pig |
A few housekeeping tips before I discuss my past weeks. There is no class this Hallow's Eve. We agreed to meet on Google+ Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. Correct me if I am wrong or there are any issues regarding this meeting. What should be completed: I expect that the Pink 6 Senses website will be completed, you will have more than one new post to discuss (and don't forget to comment on each other's posts, but some posts from the #eci831 class as well), you will have watched at least one of the EC&I classes, and that you will be ready to discuss what you have learned and shared this week. Tomorrow's EC&I 831 class is: Sharing, facilitated by Dean Shareski. It begins at 6pm PSTand lasts for an hour and a half. One thing that might be avoiding your consciousness is the weekly participation in at least one educational chat with an accompanying reflection. . .haven't seen one in awhile. I realize that it is both a challenge and a bit daunting to be responsible for your own learning. Like anything worth doing, you must take the time to cultivate your practice.
Speaking of cultivating your practice. . .
The first thing I want to discuss is our connection with Dr. Couros and his EC&I 831 Social Media and Open Education class from the University of Regina. I have been following @courosa for awhile on Twitter and when I saw what he was doing with this course, I contacted him about some possible ways to connect our classes. It took a few weeks, but he agreed to put us on his Oct 25 agenda and connect our classes. Here is the connection to their blogs. . .Here is their Twitter list. . .both of which have been shared on Twitter and the #usdedu & #eci831 hashtags. I watched the recording from the Oct 25 session about Rhizomatic Learning featuring Dave Cormier. It was a very interesting session. I loved the way Dave used blank slides to gather information from the group. Although, the overall experience would have been even more enriching if I had been in the synchronous session. I look forward to the connections that you all can make for the rest of the semester.
Last Monday, Dr. Lattimer and met with Jason and Jenni, who run the Daraja Academy, a boarding school for Keynan girls who do not have the resources to continue their education. We discussed their mobile learning grant and ways in which iPads, iPod Touches, and other mobile devices could be used in their school. It is amazing to me that mobile learning could occur in even remote areas of Keyna! I plan to keep in touch with Jason and Jenni as they begin this journal of technology integration at Daraja Academy.
Last Tuesday, I participated in the 9am #edchat: What are some specific things we can do to involve parents in the education of their children? It was a very active chat and I found myself sharing many ideas. At the end of the chat, I received a DM (direct message) from the moderators asking me to write a summary of the chat for their blog. I was honors to be asked to write the summary and hopefully, it will be published this week! I'll let you know.
Last Wednesday, I found myself struggling to get my joint doctoral program students to understand exactly what it means to cultivate a PLN. I am not a fan of prescribing what it takes to cultivate something like a PLN because it has to be something that comes naturally out of the motivation to learn new ideas and network with like educators. Of course, as I mentioned earlier, it does take time to cultivate this into a practice. I gave guidelines, group discussion, and even a video, but I wasn't seeing the results for which I was hoping. So, I decided to construct a rubric/guideline for how to cultivate a PLN. I started with the exemplary column and worked backward from their. When I finished, I tweeted a link to my work (in GoogleDocs) using the #edchat hashtag. About five minutes later, I received a message from @DataDiva, who is an expert on quality rubrics, noting that she thought I needed more positive language in the lowest column. I asked for her assistance and she first sent this link to her wiki on the important on the lowest levels. After about an hour and a half of back and forth communication, I have what is a pretty awesome guideline on how to cultivate a PLN. I put the guideline on both the EDUC 578 blog and my CSUSM/UCSD JDP blogs. On Thursday, I received a tweet from @DelaneyKirk asking if she could share my PLN guidelines in the Chronicle for Higher Ed. Two things are important here. I have been teaching for almost 15 years and I learned more about rubrics from @DataDiva in our Twitter conversation than I have in any professional development or training/readings. I eventual final product will be a valuable part of my future discussions on PLNs. The second issue is the ability to network with others on Twitter and my willingness to share my work publicly allowed my work to be shared in ways that I couldn't have imagined.
I hope this post shows you all the value of cultivating your PLN!!
Question: What have you seen as the biggest obstacle in creating/learning in your PLN?